keskiviikko 26. marraskuuta 2014
Atom Mouth Gimlies - At El Jumo 7'' (Marraskuu 2014)
TSUG - 010
Atom Mouth Gimlies - At El Jumo 7''
A1 Absence
A2 Rapid Vision
B1 Below
B2 Sorry Ma
Aurora Urealis #2
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Terminal Boredom:
perjantai 21. maaliskuuta 2014
MUSTAT KALSARIT 7'' (Maaliskuu 2014)
TSUG-009 (Julkaistu yhdessä Hyster Tapesin, Rock 'n' Roll Bullshit Recorsdin ja Tnt Tapes & records Servicesin kanssa)
A1 Liikaa hälinää
A2 Musta piste
B1 Olen pahoillani
B2 Eläinten nimiä
What other folks have said about this:
're Happy pancake!
This is a good record.
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Still SingleA punk record from Finland has, by grace of history, the potential to be a really explosive thing, or at the very least, something so weird that it stands in a class by itself. Blame Radiopuhelimet or the Bad Vugum label or Räjäyttäjät (or even “What Does The Fox Say”) for having set my expectations so high in decades past. Mustat Kalsarit plays pretty standard butt-rock with some guitar detonation on “Olen Pahoillani” but what really struck me is that the four labels it took to birth this thing almost perfectly summarized my experience as a listener. “Hyster Tapes” signifies hysteria, the realm of violent possibility that this record was gonna knock me off my chair the second I put it on. “Jumatsuga” (a word that, at press time, means nothing to me) encapsulates my wan disappointment and confusion when the music turned into … wait for it … “Rock ‘N’ Roll Bullshit.” By the end I wanted to strap some “TNT” to it and blow it into a million pieces. (
(Doug Mosurock)
torstai 27. helmikuuta 2014
THE CHEESE 7'' (Helmikuu 2014)
TSUG-008 (julkaistu yhdessä FUCK CD'sn kanssa (fck-017))
THE CHEESE - s/t 7''
Hintaa 6e/kpl. 150kpl painos.
A1 Iron Lung
A2 Death
B1 Hermit
B2 Rash Boy
What other folks have said about this:
Of course this is just a damn good!!
hard disk! hard to name.
Degree of music, guys!
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MRR #374:
Boiling Oingo (besides having the best punk pseudonym of this century, so far) sounds like he recorded all his guitar and vocal parts completely separately from not only each other, but possibly the drums as well. Everything is as loud as it possibly can be (which is louder than you'd probably think it should be), and if you can slice through the fuzz and noise, you'll find some great tunes. The insanity of the recording quality is like an instrument in itself. Punk with a hint of Pacific Northwest late '80s grunge. "Death" and "Rash Boy" are the standout cuts on this slab of snot. I can't picture what this band looks like, or what kinds of bills they would play - and I mean that as a compliment. This record is ugly in a beautiful way. (FU)
(Fuck CDs)
lauantai 18. tammikuuta 2014
Atom Mouth Gimlies / Lörsson 7'' (Tammikuu 2014)
TSUG-007 (julkaistu yhdessä Gafonin kanssa)
Puked up porridge colored vinyl. Edition of 107 copies.
>>>rock music / non music>>>
A1 | Yip Man Blues | ||
A2 | Melting In A Buss | ||
B1 | Cadillac | ||
B2 | Miltä Tuntuu |
What other folks have said about this:
AMG buzz when you play in a big way.
Lörsson sounds like the Friends of the chemical in 1995: lol:
A good album!
and no I do not, however, been listening to me oo.
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Tämä levy on mahdollista lainata Kirjasto Omenan hienosta ja yhä vain laajenevasta Marginaali -erityiskokoelmasta.
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